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Importance of Color Selection for Website to boost Conversions

Color Selection for Website

Our vibrant world is brimming with different colors, and it’s all around us. It is a powerful communication tool and plays a significant role in influencing mood, decisions making. And even physiological reactions without our realization. Its impact is not very different when it comes to choosing colors for our business. Did you know that color helps in brand recognition and has the power to influence a call to action?

Studies say that 90% of people’s perception and assessment of a brand depends on the color. But how can color spark people to take more action and influence their purchasing decision? And how right color selection for the website can improve our online presence? 

 To answer all these questions, we have to understand the basics of the psychology of color. 

What is color psychology? 

Color psychology is the study of colors concerning the behavior of humans. As we are visual creatures, colors determine our decisions, such as the items we purchase. Color meanings can impact why we prefer specific colors over others.

Whether you’re a marketer or a consumer, knowing the power of color psychology can help you make better decisions. Poor selection of color can harm your business. While choosing the correct color can add positivity to your brand perception. It’s a fact that consumers make a judgment about a person, environment, or product within just 90 seconds of their initial viewing in their subconscious mind.

Thus, the businesses that use the psychology of color to their advantage choose the right colors to communicate better about their brand and boost sales.

For example, when the Coca-Cola Company marked 125 years of offering excellent service, they used their classic, bold red to brand the campaign. 

How does proper color selection for the website impact conversions? 

Conversion Rate Optimization is essential to get the desired action like purchasing a product; signing up for a service, clicking on a link from the website. By increasing the conversion rate, you can increase revenue, acquire more customers and grow your business.  

The audiences online have limited attention spans. They’re digesting information at million miles an hour. So, one significant way to grab their attention is to stand out from everything competing for their attention. That is where the importance of color selection for the website comes in.  

Importance of choosing the right color for your website

Now let’s understand the meaning of different colors and how popular brands use the psychology of color to their advantage. This will give you a clear picture of why you should pay attention to the importance of choosing the right color for your website- 

  • Red conveys a sense of urgency. It is also the color for passion and can provoke the strongest emotions. YouTube and Coca-Cola often use red color to build excitement and encourage appetite. Did you notice how the red part of the YouTube logo is the play button that compels people into action? It enables you to press play on their videos. 
  • The orange color signifies creativity, adventure, enthusiasm, success, and balance. This color adds a bit of fun to any picture or website. We all know Nickelodeon is a kids’ channel. So the orange logo accurately represents the creativity and enthusiasm that a children’s show would need through its playful orange color. 
  • The green color is associated with tranquility, power, fertility, health, generosity, and nature. Brands like Starbucks and Spotify use the green color to promote a sense of relaxation and stimulates harmony in your brain. 
  • Blue relates to trust, honesty, and dependability, thus helping to build customer loyalty. For example, Oral B uses blue to help people associate quality, reliability, and safety with the brand. Blue is also often used by insurance companies, banks, and other financial companies, where trust and reliability are of great importance. 
  • Yellow is a warm and happy color that creates a sense of cheerfulness and playfulness. Some people even claim that this bright color makes them feel younger. Moreover, this fun color is often seen on parenting, wellness, and travel websites. 
  • Black color signifies mystery, power, elegance, and sophistication. It also emphasizes the unique, elite sense of your brand or product. These make visitors want to be a part of that particular club. Black has earned a reputation for elegance and glamour in the advertising industry. For instance, Chanel and Nike use black for their website to maintain a consistent and sleek look. 
  • Brown color relates to friendliness, stability, reliability, productivity, and down-to-earth features. Hershey’s has successfully used the psychology of brown color to their advantage. The soothing color is nostalgic, communicating the company’s strong history and continued future as an industry leader. 

Below are some of the researches cited by KISSmetrics and Neil Patel to demonstrate the importance of color selection for the website-

    • 92.6% of people say that visual dimensions influence their purchase decisions (over taste, smell, etc.). According to Neil Patel, 85% of shoppers say color is the primary reason why they buy a particular product 
    • 42% of shoppers base their opinion of a website on design alone 
    • 52% of shoppers did not return to a website because of overall aesthetics 

If you use color psychology correctly, you can influence your target audience’s decision-making process. You can do so by helping them feel the way you want them to feel, increasing overall conversions. 

 Now that you know the associations we make with particular colors. And how they play a significant part in corporate branding, why not try these tips to influence how people respond to your brand with some intelligent color choices of your own? Or you can contact Brand Imprint for professional website designing or digital marketing services. 

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